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AOD 9604

AOD 9604

AOD 9604

What is AOD 9604?

The arrival of AOD9604 on the market has significantly simplified the journey towards shedding excess body weight and overcoming obesity.

AOD is a peptide that is a modified fragment of the human growth hormone amino acids 176-191. It was originally advocated as an anti-obesity peptide because of its ability to cut through and dissolve already stored fat on the body without disturbing the body’s overall metabolic processes. It does this by stimulating the pituitary gland and speeding it up just enough to boost your metabolism and burn body fat. It replicates the functions of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which is a natural hormone that is instrumental in the disintegration of fat cells and the release of fatty acids for energy consumption.

In a nutshell, this miraculous peptide targets not just all the fat-rich areas of the body, most researchers have found that when injecting into the most unwanted fat area it becomes the ultimate spot reducing peptide!

Many researchers have discovered that this incredible fat burning peptide is not limited to just fat loss. It contains a variety of other regenerative properties as well including helping to regulate blood sugar and manage insulin levels. Decrease inflammation and boost weight loss, and can support in enhancing muscle building by helping the body upregulate the metabolism, increase insulin sensitivity, reduce or eliminate incontinence, and help deliver nutrients to where they are supposed to go!

How to dose:

1. Researchers use this peptide by injecting 250-500mcg per day. This can be in 1 dose or split into 2.

2. Try to have at least 30-60 mins of nothing in your stomach prior to or after injecting. The longer you can fast the better this peptide seems to work. Some researchers prefer night injections as they tend to fast the longest post injection. There is no best time though.

How long to take or “cycle”:

Some researchers use this peptide for short periods of time like 20 days on 10 days off. Some use it every day for 6-12 weeks then take off a week or two before starting up again. No matter your choice here, always try to have at least 7-10 days off between stopping and starting.

I have experimented with 5 days on and 2 days off, daily, and 20 on 10 off, and found that all of the cycles seem to work no matter your choice to do your own research cycle. Some researchers suggest using this peptide fist thing in the morning, prior to cardio or just their day in general, on an empty stomach for at least 60-90 mins on each side of the injection to maximize the fat targeting effects. Some choose to do it before bed to get the same fasting benefit since that’s sometimes the longest someone may fast for. Some choose to do a small dose in the morning and a small dose at night (250mcg each) and that seems to work as well! Use your best judgment and decide based on what you feel works best for you and your scheduled research.

How to reconstitute:

Most vials come in 5mg vials. Use 1 or 2mL of BAC water to reconstitute the vial with. If the vial is reconstituted with 1mL of BAC water then 10 units would equal 500mcg (5 units would be 250mcg.) If you follow the 20 days on 10 days off cycle that is suggested each vial would last you 10 days. You would then need 2 per month to complete this cycle.

NOTE: AOD tends to be cloudy or “murky” looking once reconstituted and can even be gel-like. Once you have reconstituted and all powder has dissolved. You may choose to draw the entire vial into a draw syringe and then carefully inject it (slowly) back into the vial. This can break up any crystals or gel-like appearance and reduce any issues that could occur when drawing each dose up or injecting a dose.

📚 Stacks Well With: Tirzepatide or Semaglutide, Tesofensine or TESOBURN, 5 Amino 1MQ

In conclusion

To get this exclusive research product, head over to Optimize Life and be sure to use code: MNKB10 to get 10% off any non bulk order!

And as always,

Work hard, have fun, get optimized, stay shredded!

~ Coach KB

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